There are several reasons someone would want to install a Cardok garage on their property. Yes, for the lucky few who are just plain rich, it is a toy, a luxury. However, there are also those who live in cities and have limited home space, which stops them from building a conventional garage. That is where Cardok comes to the rescue and provides a brilliant solution to a perennial problem. Because of the way so many of us live life today, a two-car family is not unusual, yet a small driveway with enough space parking for only one car, or too narrow to park side by side, is often all that is on offer. Of course, if you are like so many people, a garage isn’t for a car but is a place to store things, from a boat to sports equipment and everything else in between. Often these are bulky items that just don’t fit into a normal house.
The idea first surfaced in the 1920s, but it was not until 2004 that a Swiss firm, based in Geneva, brought the idea into reality. Over time, they have created a hydraulic system that can lift 3 tons on each platform and takes only 30 seconds to raise, with two cars still on board. Someone operated the dock from the comfort of your home or while in your car, making it ideal for when the weather is so bad. Should you be fortunate enough to decide to install a Cardok, the entire process takes 14 weeks to do all the groundwork, and 5 days to install the actual lift. The idea has proved popular from its inception and the company is now expanding worldwide, looking for agents across the globe, having installed units in the UK and throughout much of Europe, plus as far away as Australia. As those who are interested in the idea are discovering, although the unit requires planning permission from your local authority, someone has well received them as they solve the problem of overdeveloping a plot or obstructing a neighbor’s right to light. Cardok also points out that installing a Cardok also increases the value of the property where it has been installed.