Some women deviate from the ordinary in the decorations and designs of their homes, in terms of loud colors on the colors of walls, bold modern decorations, and the use of exotic accessories; If you are a lady with this taste in decoration, you can use the home of Cara Delevingne in Los Angeles, to take from it many ideas for unconventional home décor!

Madam, we will take you through the pictures on a tour inside Cara’s home, which is out of the ordinary in its colors and decor, on the occasion of her 30th birthday, where Delevingne was born on August 12, 1992, she is a British model, actress, singer, and social activist.
Cara Delevingne’s home is in Los Angeles, California, and was designed by the architect “Niccol Penny.”
The home also includes many valuable accessories and antiques such as a Chanel surfboard, a Chemical X bull’s-eye figurine, and a 1970s-inspired bathroom.
Madam, we will show you several pictures that show the decorations of Cara Delevingne’s house in Los Angeles, so that you can use ideas from him in the decoration of your home.