Unlocking Elegance: Mastering Pastel Colors for Every Skin Tone

Pastel colors are soft and delicate shades that range from pure tones of blue, yellow, and light pink to muted colors like lavender and violet. All of these colors are wonderful and refreshing, yet they are criticized for being overly gentle. But does this mean you should avoid wearing pastel colors? Of course not.

Discover with us some tips that will help you shine in pastel colors with a harmonious look, without overdoing the softness and suiting your skin tone.

Suitable Pastel Colors for Each Skin Tone:

#1: Fair Skin

Unlocking Elegance: Mastering Pastel Colors for Every Skin Tone

Having fair skin with cool undertones means that suitable pastel colors for you are cooler tones like light blue, powder blue, lavender, and light pink. The rule of cooler colors applies particularly to those with fair skin, light hair, and light eyes! Balance your look with strong eye makeup to avoid looking washed out. Lavender and lilac will appear feminine and dreamy with your fair skin.

#2: Fair to Medium Skin

This skin tone still tends to be pale, so the best choices are light peach and soft apricot, which are perfect spring colors! The undertones of this skin tone can work well with light blues and soft lilacs. You can also add shades of orange, light green, aqua, and even mint green.

#3: Medium Skin

If you have a medium skin tone, you likely have warm and golden undertones, which means colors like yellow, orange, and mint green are the best! Having a medium skin tone allows you to shine in more vibrant shades than those suitable for fair skin tones. Try out buttery yellow or velvety yellow to enhance these golden undertones. Another great option for medium skin is pastel gray and deep green. Balance the look with white, black, or any solid color that complements the pastel you're wearing. A tip is to avoid using contrasting colors, just stick to one shade from the same family!

#4: Dark Skin

This poses a challenge for many women with dark skin tones who tend to avoid pastels because they feel that the colors will stand out too much and appear highly contrasting with their skin tone. However, this is not entirely true because pastel shades of buttery yellow will look fantastic on dark skin tones and make them appear radiant and glowing. Pastel colors like lavender, creams, and aquas that hover between green and blue will also suit you.

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